Sunday, September 30, 2018

Noh Quixote (for crapsack/post-apoc worlds)

3rd level knight-errant, Japanese-European ancestry, wears scavenged bits and pieces of old power armor, carries electric lance with a few shots left, a sack full of weapons and supplies. Rides a very dilapidated cyborg horse. Firmly believes that giant robots are everywhere, looking to destroy what is left of humanity, and that they're disguised as buildings, towers, cars, whatever.

He is not wrong.

Electric Lance: Can fire a very, VERY powerful laser as many times as the internal battery allows, usually eight to ten on a full charge, with the last few shots being noticeably weaker than the first. Can easily punch a three foot hole in something up to a mile away at full charge. Fully functional as a mounted combat weapon as well.