Saturday, December 24, 2016

Lord Calbrax of Wichkem

Lord Calbrax rules this land with an iron fist. Literally, his left hand is made of iron, to replace one lost in one skirmish or another years ago. He is tolerated by his subjects; taxes are modest, government officials are punished for being jerks, there are no meaningless bans against forms of entertainment, etcetera.

He speaks in the third person at all times, referring to himself by his title, and uses a very formal mode of speech (“You have amused Lord Calbrax. Well done.”). He can be manipulated, by appealing to his sense of humor, rather easily, but it won't work more than once or twice for a given situation.

He's a big guy, wide and tall, still mostly lean but getting on in years. Small beard, close-cut hair, little eyes.

Will fight to defend himself. Uses the symbol of his authority, a flanged mace he named after his first wife, as his preferred weapon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Secret of the Three Worms

Many people ask me "Lord Kraskanjax, what IS the purpose of the Three Worms?" And I chuckle, and disembowel them with the sacred Knife of Hashkajkak, for such secrets are reserved only for the Enlightened.

Lucky for you, you lucky thing, you are one of the cherished few worthy of the knowledge. It's quite simple, really: The first worm is eaten to cleanse the body of toxins and disease, the second worm is eaten to consume the first worm, and the third worm is eaten to eat that worm and is expelled in the latrine, thus allowing the body to eject the bloated disease-creature altogether. Then we worship the third worm until it expires.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Every time you succeed at a task by using a generic roll (STR check to force a door, INT check to win at a game of skill) you gain the option of taking a Knack in that task; Knacks are not skills, as such, but they're a bonus to that task for that player all the same. You cannot buy points in Knacks, and you cannot get better at a Knack. You can only have one Knack per every 2 character levels, and you cannot 'forget' a Knack.

You can, however, loose a knack; if you roll a critical miss for a task that you have a Knack in, that Knack fails you and whatever the critical failure would be is compounded and made even worse. You can, of course, regain a Knack if you want to, but you have to critically succeed at the relevant task, or succeed at it during a tense moment, and your bonus is only +1, with no improved success chance, until you successfully use the Knack 2 more times.

If you have a Knack, you get a +2 bonus to succeed at the associated task AND your range for an improved success, if one exists in your game, is increased by 1. You can also, if your system has it, use a Knack to get an automatic success at a task once per game session.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kandrick's Blade

On a successful critical, the damage is done to both the intended target and all of their bloodline descendants/ancestors throughout all of history. If the critical kills the target then they, understandably, cease to exist, have never existed, and their deeds and activities are immediately 'fixed' so as to explain their sudden but always nonexistence, as does their entire bloodline as above.