Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Adizak Blannokar, straight-up demon from one of the colder bits of Hell

Zak to his friends. Exiled from his domain for being something of a prick, sent to the mortal realm to suffer for his misdeeds. He's bitter, angry, alone, and only just starting to understand that it's all his own fault.

He is a demon, not a tiefling, not a shape-shifter, just a demon. His coal-black skin, all-red eyes, face like a dragon took a hammer to the face; demon.

+2 intelligence, -2 charisma, +1 constitution, -1 wisdom. He's smart, and cunning, but he's also a demon so most average folks won't even look him in the eye. He's hardier than the average, but can sometimes not pick up on things savier folk would. IN HELL, HIS STAT BONUSES ARE REVERSED: he's quite charming by demon standards, but not the greatest mind in the room, and he's a little frail but a bit more perceptive than his brethren. Basically in the mortal realm he's smarter than the smarties and tougher than the toughies, but in Hell, he's Lothario. As a demon he is resistant to cold damage and immune to psychic damage. He can speak abyssal fluently and common adequately.

In Hell he was nobility, one of the many sons of a lord who ruled over a fairly wide chunk of their plane. That's mostly where he went wrong, leaning hard into his role as a gentleman idler and getting into trouble at every available opportunity. His exile was self-inflicted and well deserved.

On earth he's settled on being an itinerant wizard and thief, his only real goal to eventually be something close to comfortable; a nice home, servants, some power and authority, maybe a dukedom or something.

He is a consummate liar, an inherited trait, and early on still prone to getting into trouble, convinced he can worm his way out one way or another and still profit from the experience. He is also an alcoholic, and while he has an advantage in his alcohol tolerance by being a demon, he can still get drunk despite what he tells people at parties. And not a fun, everyone in D&D is an alchie kind've way, he is an actual debilitatingly anti-sobriety alcoholic. Unless he has to sober up for something, or is forced to not drink by outside intervention, he is always at disadvantage for every roll he makes.

QUICK HOUSE RULE ABOUT INTOXICATION: you drink to excess, you're drunk. There's no rule for it, you just say "I drink myself drunk" and be done with it. Your dwarf might take sixteen hours of solid drinking to make it happen, but it just happens. Now you're at disadvantage for EVERY ROLL YOU MAKE except for damage rolls. Note that in combat enemies do not get automatic advantage, you just are automatically disadvantaged. To sober up you need to have two consecutive days worth of not-drinking time under your belt, during which you go from drunk to hungover to sober. Again, this time is all at disadvantage and does not involve rolls, just role-playing.

LONG AND INVOLVED HOUSE RULES ABOUT INTOXICATION: every time you take a drink you roll against your Con + 1 (with advantage if your race as a natural con modifier), if you roll over you are now drunk; if you crit hit on that roll you are blotto and can stay active for about as many turns as you have Con before passing the fuck out. If you drink while drunk your roll is at disadvantage (or just neutral if you have a natural con mod), and if you fail the roll you are blotto, as above: critical failure puts you in a dying state immediately (alcohol poisoning is a bitch). Disadvantage while drunk as above. To sober up you need to spend as many hours as drinks you took, minus any natural con mod, without having any alcohol whatsoever; you also need to make another con roll, same rules as above about advantage, and if you fail that roll you are hungover afterwards (critical means you are EXTRA FUCKING HUNGOVER) for as many hours as drinks you took (double that for a critical), during which time you are still at disadvantage.

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