Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ray Hess

A wandering vagabond, always seen at the reins of a modest-sized vardo guiding a trio of goats. He makes a living selling a variety of snake-oils, cure-all ointments which do nothing except line his pockets with ill-gotten silver. He also endears himself to communities by being a half-decent storyteller and passable musician with the flute and fiddle. When he leaves most communities find themselves to be a few items poorer, usually small, easy-to-palm items from shops and inns, but the occasional family heirloom has gone missing in his wake. Rarely a few local girls also 'disappear', although they usually come back within a day or two dejected, embarrassed, and no longer virginal, assuming they were in the first place. Ray is constantly on the move, trying to outrun his own reputation.

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