Saturday, January 28, 2017

Her Majesty's Royal Space Force (A short play in one act)

THE QUEEN is strolling down a hallway, followed close behind by her HEAD BUTLER. As she passes a door, a BUTLER steps out, carrying a small cup of TEA.

BUTLER: I took the liberty of preparing you a cuppa, marm.

THE QUEEN looks from the TEA to the BUTLER and back again, before accepting it and gracing him with a small grin.

THE QUEEN: Another one of these, young man, and I smell a promotion in your future.

THE QUEEN and her HEAD BUTLER walk away, the HEAD BUTLER eyeing the BUTLER.

Six years later...

THE QUEEN is strolling down a hallway, followed close behind by her HEAD BUTLER. As she passes a door, a BUTLER steps out, carrying a small cup of TEA.

BUTLER: Your tea, marm.

THE QUEEN looks from the TEA to the BUTLER and back again, before accepting it and gracing him with a small grin.

THE QUEEN: Ah. Yes. I've been wondering how long it would take.

SHE turns to her HEAD BUTLER.

THE QUEEN: Make this man a lieutenant in my Royal Astronautical Royal Space Royal Force, immediately.

HEAD BUTLER: Already did done do, marm.

THE QUEEN turns back. The BUTLER is now wearing a space suit, complete with bubble helmet, and is standing on top of a spaceship. They are still inside the hallway. It's now huge.

BUTLER: I will do my duty as a member of the Royal Astronautical Royal Space Royal Royal Royal Force Space Royal Space Queen's Royal Space Force Royal Shabadu. I will conquer new worlds, kill the scum who dared to live there before me, pee in their skulls, and drink that pee because there's nothing else worth drinking in space!

The HEAD BUTLER, shedding a tear, salutes.


THE QUEEN, shedding a tear, salutes.

THE QUEEN: Godspeed!

The LIEUTENANT, shedding a tear, salutes.

LIEUTENANT: God save the queen!

ALL: God save the queen!

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