Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Spencer Daw (v1)

Spencer Daw is a notorious criminal, a sneak-thief and con-man wanted across a dozen governments for a multitude of crimes both mundane and serious. His bounty if captured alive and brought to trial in even one jurisdiction is more than the gross income of some planets.

He's also a really nice guy who happens to be a really good grifter. He is clean, sober, polite to a fault, and always willing to lend a hand or save a life, assuming it won't be suicidal to do so; he will allow himself to be imprisoned if it will keep someone else from dying. He is incredibly gifted at escaping almost any perilous situation.

If the players are on his trail, keep them constantly in the dark about wether or not the crimes he's wanted for were actually commited by him or not; they should never come to believe he is either wholly innocent or wholly guilty of anything except existing and being notorious. And if it makes it more fun, keep them guessing about those things, too.

Mechanics wise he's a 0th-level character with above-average intelligence, wisdom, and charisma, and average everything else. He has the unique gift of being able to escape any situation, including obvious death, 5 out of 6 times. He will not, however, willingly place himself into a situation where the outcome is obvious death without a clear and coherant plan to escape (in the event of a surprise situation he is saved by some deus ex machina which only applies to him, though he will usually offer to extend aid to those around him). This escape ability includes his ability to not be surprised and applies as all of his save rolls and even for taking damage (Literally any time you have to roll for Spencer to avoid some fate roll a d6, and on a 5 or less he succeeds).

He is moderately skilled at everything, a jack-of-all-trades who will succeed at any task on a roll of 12 or less on a d20. Any of his successes are treated as critical in the sense that they are bombastic and amazing to behold.

He will not actively help anyone, in the sense that he will not come to someone's aid as a plan but only as a spur-of-the-moment decision, and only if that help will keep them from dying or furthers whatever plan he has at the moment.

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