Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fincher Gojek

Back in the dawn of the AI controlled Technocrocy of Allied Planets, there were revolutionaries, mostly organics with a few synthetics in the mix, who felt that the AIs could not be trusted with actual power. Their terrorist war lasted over six thousand years before it was finally quelled, and the most dangerous of the warriors who fought was known only as The Monster. He was a simple human, a man from one of the undersea ghettos of Nulantis, who became legendary for his kill-count, conservative estimates at the time numbering in the tens of billions, and his viciousness, having once destroyed a nursery with over ten million nascent AI. He was eventually captured and sentenced to eternity in digital prison, his body destroyed and his mind converted into simple data.

Fast-forward to today: the TAP hasn't existed for over a million years, and a dozen other governments have risen and fallen in just the last six thousand. One of those, the Holy Order of Sentience, has finally reached The Monster's cell in their re-evaluation of the freedom fighters against the Robot Menace. However, they fear his retribution, the stories of him still lingering in the histories, and so they agree to a compromise: they offer him two options, a quick death, or he agrees to never speak of his history again and be provided with as much wealth as he desires so long as he never harms another sentient life again. He quickly agrees, takes the offered unlimited-credit card handed to him, and disappears.

The HOS feel they did the right thing. The rumors of a shadow that murders by night are just rumors. The Monster is certainly not Fincher Gojek, security guard at Halposs Research. He did not help the Rogue, who murdered a thousand in his search for his lost memories, to be reunited with the Rampant AI Mad-Assa-Badger-Inna-Sack and escape the justice of two dimensions and a thousand governments. Nor did he slaughter the Masked Jailer in a mighty battle that leveled four buildings and caused a still-rising number of known casualties.

These events are fiction.

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