Sunday, March 1, 2020


One of the odder planetoids of the Hetoo cluster, Ubem is less a planet and more a rough conglomeration of free-floating islands that orbit around a dense 'core' of metallic ash. Due to the rather odd gravitational pull of the whole affair the islands are roughly circular and covered almost entirely in a fine black sand which gets coarser and denser the deeper you go.

Though there is no native flora or fauna, there are several colonies, so to speak, of synthetic life; massive worm-like robots travel beneath the surface, occasionally surfacing to recharge their batteries with the radiation from the nearest star, smaller wheeled robots perpetually travel the surfaces of the islands collecting samples and occasionally directing the worms to certain areas where particularly rich veins of mineral deposits can be found and collected.

The Mimetic Concordia maintains a sales floor nearby, on the artificial satellite Free Trade 26; they deal primarily in brain-wiped slave labor, cloning having only recently been outlawed galaxy-wide by Pharaoh. The slaves, when not in stasis or on the sales floor, exist primarily as janitors, leading to an incredibly clean station despite the MC's ban on robotic labor.

The MC, understandably, wishes to somehow cleanse Ubem of synthetic life and take advantage of the vast mineral wealth therein; their efforts so far have proven futile, throwing endless slaves into the literal grinder of the worms' maws.

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