Monday, March 9, 2020

Zelda pitch

  •  So far into the future that the other games/timelines are meaningless
  • Zelda is the lead character; Link does not exist in this timeline yet
  • Ganondorf Dragmire-Mandrag is the head of a multi-planetary corporation which specializes in xenoarchaeology.

 Zelda is a head archaeologist with the company that Ganondorf owns. He is not a villain, as such, but becomes the antagonist through Zelda's actions, aided by one of her aids, Tingle Kokiri, attempting to take credit for the team's find. Zelda, along with Tingle then have to travel the galaxy to find a cure for the xenophage that is released by the rise of the creature that takes over her boss, and attempt to find the 'Tri-Force' that it's looking for before it does. She eventually creates a replica of the canister that was housing the creature that took over her boss, and with both she manages to separate the alien from Ganondorf and contain it; however, the surge of energy from the encounter kills her, Ganondorf, and Tingle.

However, if she has also found the three pieces of the Tri-Force and dunked them in the water of their respective shrines, then when the creature is contained she, Tingle, and Ganondorf are resurrected by it and imbued with their respective powers as per tradition. They seal away the creature and are visited by a vision of the goddess Hylia, who asks that they come see her at the 'end of the universe' so she can guide them.

  • Zelda's ship, planet-side craft, and ship's AI are all called Epona. Zelda's Ship, the Hyrule, is her home; it is the 'hub' world of the game, where she goes to change equipment, eat, sleep, keep track of her goals, and buy/sell/trade artifacts. She also has a planet-side craft, called Epona, which docks with the Hyrule. The ship's AI, Navi, is her constant companion.
  • Tingle is an obnoxious little shit who over the course of the game gets some serious character development, nearly dies, comes back thanks to the Triforce of Wisdom, and is resurrected as Link when the Triforce of Courage joins with him in the ending.
  • Zelda is a former soldier, a survivor of the Ten Year War with the Invaders. She is well versed in blade and rifle combat. When she finds the Triforce of Wisdom it bonds with her, giving her a direct link to Nayru, who then guides her to the other pieces of the Triforce as well as her shrine.
  • Ganondorf was her commanding officer, and she got the job with him only slightly nepotistically. He is a large, large man; larger than life. He loves being alive, loves everyone who works for him, loves the universe. He is the closest thing to an actual 100% perfect human being the universe has ever seen.

    And then he gets possessed by a malevolant alien force that wants to find the Triforce so it can destroy the universe.
  • A lot of the gameplay would be traditional Zelda fare, but the gimmicks would involve space travel, archeological exploration (Sort of like adventure segments inside the open-world), and antique dealing/restoration (you sell and trade artifacts that you find in the ruins on each planet)
  • Money is spent on upgrades, expendable items like ammo/health, and to fund expeditions. There should be no money sinks, and money will always have a purpose of some kind up to the end-game. There is no wallet, you never have to worry about wasting money drops
  • Equipment is broken up into Modern and Ancient; Modern equipment can be bought or fabricated, Ancient equipment has to be found in ruins and can be fabricated after it's been scanned by Epona.
  • None of the goddesses, the Triforce, or the creature that possesses Ganondorf are mystical beings; the goddesses are ancient AIs, the creature is a parasytic alien, the TriForce is an incredibly advanced storage/data transfer system that operates on an organic level. These are not the same things from the other games, they just use the same names for thematic appropriateness.
  • Zelda and Tingle HAVE TO SLEEP AND EAT. Your tiredness/fullness tie into your abilities, and collapsing from hunger/sleep deprivation causes Epona to show up to rescue you (even from within a dungeon). If Tingle passes out you have to drag his ass around, or summon Epona to take him back to Hyrule, at which point you don't get the benefits of having him around (if any).
  • Tattoos. Zelda can get tats from numerous artists which provide permanent benefits; you don't have to pick and choose your tats, you can put them wherever you want and if you want them all you're just covered in tats. If you combine certain ones you get more elaborate 'combo tats' which provide extra bonuses.
  •  99% of drops are vendor trash, since you're killing creatures/robots for their sweet innards, finding ancient treasures that are valueless to the modern economy, and dealing in knowledge. You can sell items directly from the Hyrule, turning them into rupees (₹) (the actual Indian currency in this world, the only surviving economic marker from the pre-history) 
  • You can sell your maps and can demand high or low prices from them, basing your decision on how much treasure you've taken from the dungeon. The more you've taken, the less you should sell your map for, and visa-versa.
  • Your reputation as an explorer/conservationist is tracked as you make deals, dungeon delve, and present yourself to the world. At the beginning of the game you have an excellent record/reputation, but as the game progresses this can easily change. This will determine the types of contracts you can take, how easy you find it to sell your finds, and so on.
  • You can counterfit finds with the maker system. This is only a good idea if you're 100% certain you won't be caught; selling counterfit finds will guarantee your rating plummet, maybe not the first time, but certainly after that: you're either gullible or making them yourself.

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