Monday, August 29, 2016

Monster PCs pt 1

So a thing on Facebook got me thinking about a campaign where the PCs play monsters on the run after their last boss was killed by a group of murderhobos looking for loot. At its core it would be a reskin of the normal OSR classes and races, but I think the change in dynamic would be interesting to play, if only because it would allow some different RPing to happen (can't go to normal villages, you're a 'monster').

So what races should we be focusing on? Well, the first thought was gnolls. Gnolls would progress like specialists, get a +1 to spot or search or whatever because of their sense of smell, and would probably have a hard time being sneaky after being in water (-3 to stealth checks against anything with even a mediocre sense of smell). After that came the obvious choice of orcs. Orcs would progress like fighters, would get an automatic +1 to their STR stat, and literally cannot stop themselves from being rude/bullying to anything smaller than they are (resist with save vs magic/compulsion or on a 1-in-6, whichever your system uses). Then after orcs I thought, goblins? Or Ogres? Mind-flayers? Problem is that once you start down the avenue it's hard to know when to stop. Or let the players build their own from this same thought process: progress like X, one minor bonus, one minor negative.

So Mind-flayers would progress like magic-users, would get a +1 to their WIS, and have to eat a brain once every 12 hours or lose 1 point of CON, cumulative, for each meal missed. Each meal would cure 1 CON lost in this way up to the character's max.

Goblins? Goblins would progress like specialists, get +1 on their ability to be sneaky, and would have to roll morale like a hireling when in dangerous situations (average roll, though, 12).

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