Friday, August 26, 2016

To HP or not to HP

I've been seeing a lot of systems lately that reduce the importance of HP to pre-existing game engines by adding narrative-based damage systems (injuries cause wounds that compound instead of lowing a number) or by making the penalty for reaching 0 HP be almost unrelated to the concept (HP is 'luck', 0 HP means you're finally actually taking hits). It occurs to me that eliminating the numerial indicator compeltely and going straight to the narrative system would be... expedient.

However, then it starts to look like a rip-off of Shadowrun's wound system.

It's like this, though: Your weapon does its normal die worth of damage, but you're rolling against your target's HD. If you roll under you do a 'minor' wound, if you roll at or over you do a 'major' wound, and if you roll max and over you get a one-hit kill.

A character who takes minor wounds equal to HD  gets all their minor wounds upgraded to a major wound; a character with major wounds equal to their HD  dies. They can roll against their CON to hold their guts in and fight on until the end of the battle, and can roll against CON again to try to hold on until help can arrive for 1 turn, and again at -1 to the CON roll, cumulative.

PCs HD is equal to their CON / 3 rounded down.

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