Monday, July 6, 2015

Coolie's Junkyard and Repair

M-4423, in orbit around Cerminus, is home to Coolie and his junkyard-cum-repair shop, one of the best-kept secrets of the machinery-minded in the universe; if you need it, Coolie's probably got it, and if you can't fix it, someone there probably can.

Coolie himself runs the shop from behind the counter, always ready to help but infrequently getting his own hands dirty; he prefers to let his employees do the grunt work. That's why he hired them, after all.

The main shop is full of parts and pieces, bits and bobs, all cataloged and sorted by their function and construction. Searching the shelves is as simple as looking for the area with all the VenCorp bits, then looking for the Shaft Dispensers. Done.

The junkyard itself is the majority of the asteroid's surface, where Coolie pays well for the right to have junkers bring him the trash of a thousand worlds. Renting a hover-skiff is the easiest way to search the junk, which is unsorted, and there's always an employee on-hand, or comms, to help get pieces out of the piles.

The garages are always in use by someone, and Coolie doesn't hire any permanent mechanics; people who come for their own work use the garage spaces gratis under the assumption that they'll lend a hand when asked.

In mechanical terms, if you need a part, you'll find it, eventually; roll a d20 minus the person looking's perception/search/whatever you use and a d4. The result of the d20 is how much time it will take you to find the part, and the d4 determines how long that actually is

1: minutes
2: hours
3: days
4: weeks

You can interrupt the search at any time if you feel like it's taking too long, but time spent cannot be banked and a new search is a new roll.

The garages are well-supplied and any repair checks made in them are at a bonus relative to your game's system.

Coolie himself is a five-foot tall anthropomorphic budgie (bird head, feathers, no other bird-like features) who wears coveralls or pants with suspenders over a simple work shirt and always has a very expensive cigar clamped in his beak. His workers are not the same species as he is, in fact nobody is the same species he is.

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