Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Five Reasons To Never Visit the City-State of Harmshamlama

1. The orphans of Lady Melanie's School for The Misfortuned will, at their first opportunity, molest your animal companions.

2. The Knights of Kinnick Slat patrol the streets with regularity, enforcing the Three Laws of Kinnick Slat with their paddles and branding irons.

3. Every third night a massive hoard of boars are allowed to run the streets; this is part ritual and part city street-cleaning initiative.

4. The Priests of Cannog Burr make it a point to greet visitors by throwing rotten fruit at them and screaming the Forty-Six Prophecies at the top of their lungs.

5. All inns are required to allow the city watch access to their rooms at any time, for any reason, without question or comment.

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