Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hey, I Know How To Pick Locks, You Guys!

When you go to do a thing and the GM requires you to roll for it and you don't have the skill for it, roll anyway. If you succeed, it turns out that's just one of those innate things you always knew how to do and you get the skill at a decent level. If you fail, you can never do that thing.

Example, you fall into the water and have to swim for your life. If you succeed, hey, turns out you're a really good swimmer. Cool. If you fail you're one of those folks who just can't swim. Ever.

Use these rule for everything your PCs try to do, including languages and hunting and all that stuff. Sort of like how Harry Hamlin knew how to net-fish for the filming of Clash of the Titans, you just need to use the skill to see if you've got it.

This is different from point-buying skills, and you can start buying into a skill once you've 'unlocked' it.

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