Friday, July 3, 2015

So You Wanna Buy A Cargo Pod?

Most ports in the galaxy have a customs department. And most of those customs departments have seized goods. And, eventually, someone gets the idea to try and make some revenue by selling said goods.

Therefor, most ports have closed-cargo auctions.

If the PC's want to get involved, let them. Play up the auctioneer character, make the players bid for what they want (start the bids at something worthwhile for the port, but not extravagant. Unless it's a hoity-toity port or something, then go all-out) and just have fun. Once a player buys a lot, roll a die based on the size of the port (small port, d20, huge fuck-off port, d6); on a one the cargo contains something amazingly impressive and worth a minimum of fifty times what they paid for it, not to mention the potential for further adventuring. On any other roll it contains average stuff which could be useful to the party or just vendor trash. To get the value of trash, roll a d6, on a 1 it's worth 75% less what the player paid, 2 50%, 3 25%, and the opposite for 4-6 (25% more than what they paid for a 4 and so on). either way, make a second d6 roll; on a 1 on that roll the items are illegal and likely to get people in serious trouble if caught with them in that port.

EXTRA BONUS 5 Things I Found In A Cargo Pod

1. ten thousand millipedes with hive-mind intelligence named Carol.

2. A collection of exotic alcohols from long-dead civilizations, all with one sip taken from them.

3. Dead clones of the current Galactic President.

4. The Luggage of a Thousand Worlds!

5. A ship's captain, just happy to be alive after being shoved into a cargo pod and jettisoned post-mutiny.

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